« on: August 16, 2014, 05:19:21 AM »
Ovver the years one of the fun elements of the City was the Street Shows that were around the city. From the Rainmaker to the Hatfields and McCoys. These made the atmosphere of the City what it was. Small stage shows were fun. The City could now do small things in each area of the City to bring more excitement to the experience. With FL you could have the Firechief form bucket bragades. OR could have gunfights. GE could have a medicine type show for the newest gaget of the time. Huck and Tom could be conning someone at the float trip. Also the old Courthouse Theater could bring back some of the old shows much like the Saloon has done. You want to spread out the people through out the park, then give them some enterainment other than the newest coaster and build on the theme of the City, not only on the newest idea from SF ord Disney.