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Messages - Preachin_Bill

Well I was at SDC during my trip to Table Rock last week and I'm finally getting a chance to post.  Sorry if it's long and windy but I want to give a full account.  I'll put things we did in Branson on the Branson scrolls.
First thing, I got engaged last Monday night on our boat at sunset on table rock lake.  This is the first time my fiancee has been to SDC in a long time and her first time with my family.

I left Nebraska when the woman got off work at midnight and headed straight for Table Rock.  Met my parents and sisters at the resort at 7:30 a.m. then headed to SDC.  Megan and I decided to have breakfast since we just arrived and haven't ate yet.  I haven't been in the mill restaurant for breakfast in years and I was just a kid last time and let me tell you, the selection was nothing huge but it didn't need to be...that food was GREAT.  Real bacon, good sausage, good country style hash browns, excellent ham, but the biscuits and gravy topped them all.  I could have lived off those.  Worth the money, will do it every year now.  Anyway...

SDC was near empty last monday, probably on account of the dreary weather forcast but as you all know those are some of th ebest days to go.  Not too hot and it only rained a little.  Rode FM, TNT, PK, WF, and then took the nieces and nephews for the American Plunge and the Lost River!  It was fun and its great to see the kids having fun just like my sisters and I did at that age on those same water rides.  It was nice riding them as I do not do it every year now that we are all older...but with the kids getting of age I'll be riding again.  We didn't hit many shops but the financee and I hit the Saloon Show...And....

Best show I've seen in years.  Excellent (and nice lookin) dancing girls, the piano player that's been there for years was in good spirits and was great as always, but the new show was something great.  Mean Murphy was great and the guy playing him had a great baritone singing voice.  Charlie was played by the taller, slightly older, short white-haired gentleman and that guy can act and he is funny and there is never a dull moment.  Great, great show and the fiance didn't expect it to be that good.

Rode the train and we enjoyed it.  My mom was "ma".  Didn't claim them.

Walked around a little more and left at 3:00.  Great day even though I had gone on no sleep.  I have complaints that I'll address later but it was great being there with the kids.

Went back on Wednesday.  Hotter weather.  Had a pecan roll at the bakery.  So good.  Got to ride Outlaw Run and words really can't describe that ride and how excellent it really is.  IF you are reading this and are wondering whether it is good or not, just know that it is and nothing can prepare you for what you will experience.  WOW.

Rode FITH.  Best roller coaster in the world.  There, I said it.  And I mean it. Never gets old. Then I walked around with the woman because she wasn't wanting to do rides.  We watched Ray ( his knives are worth buying, btw...we love ours for hunting) then we caught only one song from homestead pickers (love those guys..sad I couldn't see more but you just never have time there's too much to do!)....went to Wilderness Church.  The preacher in there is a gentleman.  Found out we were engaged and gave us a very nice talk about marriage.  Woman said she almost cried.  He is a good man and loves his job, and we talked a little about how great it is SDC hasn't taken religion out of the city just because of the politically correct haters that seem to be everywhere in our country now.  

Went in all the cabins, shops, glass blowers, etc. and it was nice to see the magic of the city was really getting to my finance.  We had a great time together.  We did Marvel Cave at 3 and it was great despite the punk kids that needed a good slappin'.  We bought numerous jams (and they were good), taffy, and headed out until next year.

Time for my complaints.  First of all, I realize that things happen and no operation that large could run perfect.  Also, I don't go to SDC for rides...I love them but the themes and aura are what get me there.  Nevertheless, I'm very disappointed in the handling of Outlaw Run.  If you aren't going to be open, don't advertise.  It was not open on Monday and the employees talking to people were less than sympathetic and were quite annoyed that people weren't happy about it.  If it were my only day there I would have felt jipped.  On Wednesday they did test runs for 45 minutes.  As was stated before on this board....GET THERE EARLIER.  People come to your park, eat breakfast, pay money, etc. and they don't want to go down a hill to see you just getting started.  Especially if it has been acting up lately and was shut down for a whole day.  Don't you think you'd get there sooner?  No excuses for it, I'm sorry.  And while I don't need rides to come back, many people are visiting the city for their first time because of the new ride and we need to keep them coming back with a good impression.  Powder Keg had it's usual morning down time as well. The other thing was that FITH was closed for a long time both days.  In all my years I have never seen that ride closed, ever.  I'm not mad about that one, just something negative I noticed.  It's not normal for that ride.  Some places were closed Monday and weren't as many demonstrations.  Why?  Because people weren't there?  Well I was and I paid money.  I'm not a number, I'm a customer.  And if we can't complain, things will deteriorate.  (forgot to mention that Wednesday seemed quite full and cheery).

Having said that, I loved it and would have done it all again in a heart beat.  Overall it was a great trip and memories were made again.  You just can't beat SDC.  The best thing was that my fiance started saying "next year" more and more throughout the trip...so it looks like she will accept this as an annual trip!  Praise the Lord!  I knew she was a good woman!
SDC Memories/ Park History / Re: Old Bookstore
June 14, 2013, 12:34:12 PM
Sad days.  I understand that you have to make business decisions.  Some of the books from my collection are from that bookstore that I bought when I was a kid.  Even three of my civil war books (I'm now a history teacher) came from that bookstore, as well as the Baldknobbers book I believe.  Dad must have wondered if I could even understand what I was reading when I wanted them as a kid, but he bought them for me anyway and I guess it was a good investment since I have read and used them.  I also remember a basket shop...was it down by an apple butter store?  I believe there was a quilt shop, too?  And Of course they moved the saltwater taffy barn.  That was no small shock to my family when that happened, but at least they kept it open somewhere else and the taffy is still tasty.

I'm gonna have to send an email and see if I can't locate that old bookstore sign!  Top dollar for it!  ;D
Wow, thanks for the information.  Sounds like fun.
Why did they do away with it?  Did it become too worn out?
Thanks again.  I like the part of Junior running out first.
SDC Memories/ Park History / Old Bookstore
June 14, 2013, 09:19:29 AM
The old bookstore used to be across from the saloon where they do nothing but tintype photos now (Perhaps it was somewhere else before that, but I do not recall).  It seems as though I remember it used to be a lot bigger when I was a kid and I was disappointed as I got older in how small it was getting until they finally moved it and it basically became very small.  Is the bookstore even still around in SDC?  Wish they would have never moved it...it was a favorite stopping point.  But oh well.

And one thing that really bothers me is the the location of the sign.  Outside the bookstore there used to be an awesome painting of a man reading a book, and the caption said "If you like reading, then you'll enjoy our books" or something to that nature and that sign was awesome!  I'd like to own the thing if they aren't using it!  Is it still around?  I hope it's somewhere and I'm just missing it.  Would like to see it/visit the bookstore on this upcoming trip.

Ah the hooves on the bridge!  When we noticed it wasn't working we were more than shocked.  Glad to hear the horses are up and running this year!
I can honestly say, that in all 22 years and in the multiple times each year my family has visited SDC, we only ate at Big Jack's once.  I don't much live olives so I've never been back.  I'm sure there were plenty of people who loved it, but you know how it is with SDC...you have places you have to hit every year and Big Jack's wasn't ever one of them for my family.

However, I hope they can re-open it.  I hope the sign with the lady holding the sandwich is still there!?

Nice to know Grandpa's is gettin' some love.  Such a great time visiting that place as a kid and I have noticed in recent years that it could use some work, but it's still great.

Hate seeing old places in the park like Big Jacks close and disappear.  I hate to think of what's next?!  ???

But, as Preachin Bill says, there aint no use doin' the choppin' til the dogs has 'treed the coon.
Well, it's my first real post and hopefully I'm not offending any of my fellow, more seasoned die-hards.....but...

What was Rube Dugan's Diving Bell Ride?  I have seen it discussed a lot on this forum but I can't remember what it is, perhaps because it was gone before I ever came to the park for the first time when I was 4, 22 years ago?

It seems as though people have some very fond memories of the ride so I am quite interested in it and would love to talk about it with my Father on our upcoming trip and have a little history.

What was the theme?
Where was it at?  (I'm guessing by the lost river?)
What happened on the ride?  Was it awesome?
Why did it shut down?

Thanks to any and all who respond with information about this ride.
Random Talk / Re: The Newbies Thread
June 14, 2013, 12:45:35 AM
Hello everyone,
I've been reading this forum for a few weeks now in anticipation of my upcoming vacation and trip to Silver Dollar City.  I've come to SDC every year with my family for the past 22 years (I believe) and my parents had been going for years before that when they were growing up.  Always a good time and, needless to say, we have lots of fond memories.

It has been great reading some of the stuff on this forum.  Nice to know there are good folks out there who appreciate the mystery and magic of SDC as much as I do.