OKIE- good points. Never thought about it that way. Thank You for the insight.
On another note. Of course I want the birds to win. However. This is a young team.
We have a 2nd year Coach. and a team with 10 1st year rookies. (BTW) did you notice that "every" out in game 2 (made by the birds) was made by a 1st year rookie. Im not positive about that, but the radio guy did say that. I thought Freeze made an out though, but maybe not.
Anyway, IF we lose to the Sox. It is certainly no embaraasement. They are (and basically) always have been a class act. Not to mention they broke all major league records in home runs this year. As well as most stolen bases (I think). I believe the radio guy said in hits also. The Sox are the best team in MLB this year.
Now then, IF we win, it just might be an embaraasement for the Sox.