ADMIN EDIT:Our system of development threads is getting a little convoluted, but perhaps carving one more to the mix will help sort things out a little better.
This thread is for targeted speculation on development projects at SDC past the current year's cycle. Topics such as the "5-year plan" or long term projects are welcome here, but keep rumors/construction talk about the current year's developments in the other thread.
For posting cool attraction concepts or ideas you think would go well in SDC, post here: discussion on the current developments, see the current yearly project thread at the top of this board.
Original Post:
When I talked to the Woman running Wings of Wonder yesterday, she heard that they would be making a circle from GE to FL with another guest train crossing across the tracks. I said, I did see construction vehicles over there 1 day, but people said they were just resurfacing the employee parking lot, and they moved the cars back in place once they were finished, so that idea was out for me. She said, well that idea isnt totally out of the picture. I said, that is true. So, the questions are: Are they planning on making a circle here? What rides will be back here? What kind of rides do you think would go nicely here? Where are they moving the Employee Parking to?
She likes my idea of turning HDH into a peaceful park like CC had.