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Topics - Jemmicat

For the first time in 20+ years, I won't be buying a season pass this year. It has nothing to do with changes or anything like a lot of people have said... I've taken a job where I will be moving to London in the next couple months. And I will probably finish my career/life there as the position I am moving into is set that way.

It is very bittersweet... This job has been in progress since October and finally was locked down last week. When I went to SDC just before Christmas, I knew it would probably be my last time there. And not being able to just run down there whenever I had time is going to feel strange.

Yes, many new adventures await in London (and Paris and Berlin and Istanbul, etc.), but SDC has been a part of my life since I was a kid in the 70's. And since moving to Springfield in 2016, it has been a constant place I could go when I needed to get away for a bit without spending much money. And I could sit and write or listen or play. It is strange seeing all of the ads and updates and knowing I won't be a part of it. It is like a piece of my life is leaving...

Silly nostalgia... but lots of smiles and memories. Just kind of feeling it today as I started the journey towards London yesterday by starting with the US division again before transferring.

Funny how life is sometimes
General Silver Dollar City Talk / Saloon musicians
September 07, 2019, 04:12:31 PM
So I am a guitar player in SGF/Bransonand looking to put a band together with all girl musicians. Does anyone know who plays the character of Cymbalina? I need a good girl drummer and would like to get in touch with her about a gig
I went to the new Toby Show today. I had seen the original as a kid and was actually at one of the last shows with my family when it was recorded for a public television special that never came out in about 1985. I had loved the show then... Wasn't sure what to expect with the new version...

First off, it was a dinner show and reasonably priced - was like $42 after tax for dinner and the show. And the dinner was very good. The performers were taking care of the tables which seemed a bit odd. Not sure if that was just for today or is an all the time thing. About 35 people in the audience but there should have been so many more.

The show itself deviates some from the original. Shad and Mollie's parts were not acted. They had some pictures and all as an homage to them. The jokes are corny but hilarious. Dana and Dan Embree are in at as well as one of the street troupe girls (I think her name is Sadie). And the piano player who was there at the last performance I saw of the original (Rick Medlin) was playing the piano at this one. I always liked him. He has a catchy personality.

Anyway, the show was great. The small crowd was very into the show. Laughingand being into it. This show deserves much larger audiences. They improvised some and just were having a good time

Dan Embree took over the role of Zenus that seemed tailored to Wayne Milnes. I was unsure how he would do with that as I just remembered Wayne's zaniness and I had never seen Dan do to that. While he wasn't Wayne (no one could be), he was really funny. And did the role justice.

Everyone should go see this... It is Shad and Mollie's legacy really... And reminds me of the old shows SDC used to do. Unlike the abomination that is Reuben's Swashbuckling adventure
I love the new change to have the big name bands play in the evening at echo hollow, but what is the plan for it raining? Most are there only one day and if it is raining like now, I am assuming shows will be cancelled. But is there a fallback plan?

I plan to leave from work every night to get there for the headliner... so if the show id definitely not going in would bd good to know before wasting time/gas
General Silver Dollar City Talk / Running sound?
June 19, 2018, 03:52:31 PM
This is slightly random but I don't have an answer...

What does it take to be able to run sound at SDC? I know in general it is probably a matter of knowing the right person. But I've seen a younger girl there doing it too.
Has anyone found these this year? They were usually in the Frisco Barn but I have checked the Marketplace and the hospitality house and have not found them anywhere. Am I just missing them or did they not do them this year?
Dollywood Discussion / Dollywood first time
October 09, 2017, 10:54:08 AM
So I have gone to SDC since I was a kid (40 years) but my family never made it to Dollywood. The week after Thanksgiving this year, I am taking my second Epic trip of the year from Springfield, MO east to the ocean and then to the gulf. I already drove to California this year... Anyway, one of the stops is going to be in Dollywood on the Saturday after Thanksgiving... I know, horrible day to go but it was either that or black Friday with the rest of the itinerary.

So this being my first time there and I will just be there the one day, what should I not miss? I don't much do rides so mostly will be shops/food/shows that I should not miss
I used to run sound for various bands and churches and generally always sit near the sound board when I go to any shows... Including It's a Wonderful Life And A Christmas Carol.

I saw A Christmas Carol on the first Sunday after the start of the festival. The sound was just off. The vocals were too low and the music too loud. I had seen it many times, and this was the first time I had ever noticed this. I kind of chalked it up to it only being the 4-5 performance of the festival. But I went to it's A Wonderful life yesterday and it was the same way. During the traveling song, you could not hear the vocals at all for most of the song. And several of the others were the same way. And what you could hear seemed to have the midrange boosted way too high. This was how A Christmas Carol sounded as well. Normally everything sounds so full but it is as if someone just took the mids and slammed them.

Anyone know what is going on this year? Is it different sound men than in years past or what? And if it is different sound men, why do both shows sound so "off"?
So i took a job in Springfield and will be moving from St. Louis. I am looking for short term housing (i am planning to go home to St. Louis until we find a place) that is reasonable.

I am also looking to rent or lease to own a house that is ok with 4 dogs. I am willing to pay larger deposit and monthly fee for the dogs, but getting rid of them is not something i will do - although one is older and probably doesn't have much longer
I know as they were constructing the parking lot I thought it was confusing. I hoped it had gotten better. I only went to SDC one time last year and that was by motorcycle so parking wasn't an issue, but I went last weekend and still get extremely confused by the parking lots... where to go, where to exit. I mean, I have been coming to SDC for nearly all my life (I'm almost 40) and never had issues with the parking lot until the changes a few years ago. I mean, even the entrance says one lane for parking and one lane for preferred... but once you get past the entrance, you have to get over to the right lane to park in the "Stop 2" area - which is only even remotely clear if you remember the old parking situation. And LEAVING the "Stop 2" parking area??? I mean, nothing is clearly marked. Thankfully I haven't left when there was a mass exodus from the lot as it's just so not clear where to exit. And again, entering the "Stop 5" lot... Headed into it you have 2 lanes, 1 says parking and the other says to 76 or something. But the parking lane is a through lane also... so people leaving the other lots could panic based on the signs and try to get over to the through lane when really they don't have to but it's all a blind curve so again, crowded situations just lead to chaos. Not to mention that AGAIN, the exits and how to get to them are SO not clear when leaving "Stop 5".

Am I the only one that is just totally confused by the layout? Maybe time will breed familiarity, but I would hate to be a newcomer and have to deal with all of it as it is just so confusing. I consider myself fairly intelligent (an engineer) and it really bothers me that I have so much trouble navigating the parking lots now. Is it just me? Like I said, I only went once last year but about 4 times the year before and mostly I spend the time trying to park or leaving cussing these days and it never used to be that way