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Messages - legoerosion

Quote from: Swoosh on February 05, 2025, 10:38:14 AMYou're entitled to your own opinion, but I want you to admit to yourself that you're also one of the big reasons why this board has died.  Why would anyone want to provide any info that's not been confirmed by the park when you continually treat other posters the way you do. 

And heaven forbid plans change and a person dared to mention out of date info then you're always one of the first to say something like "see you don't know anything"

If you could quote/link my posts where I've done this then sure, I'll admit it. But I think you've gotten me confused for someone else, considering I've only had 100 posts in the last 6 years and haven't told anybody that "you don't know anything". Yes, I checked my post history. So please, if you think I've treated anybody else poorly then go head and give me the links so I can apologize.
Quote from: Swoosh on February 05, 2025, 07:47:29 AM
Quote from: legoerosion on February 03, 2025, 02:21:45 PMWeird how they deleted your other reply - it's a valid question to ask. Dangling a carrot in-front of those wanting to know just makes it seem like it's for an ego-boost.

Not sure what you're insinuating but I do not have the option to delete others posts and I don't check this board very often anymore.  I get you do not like me but I'm curious what you hope to accomplish with your posting style.  It reminds me of my middle schoolers in maturity level

I am aware that you do not have the option to delete other's posts, considering the fact that you do not have a [Moderator] badge underneath your username. "They" refers to the moderators of the forum. However I can see how the wy I worded it was confusing.

My carrot-dangling analogy still stands though, which is re-enforced by
Quote from: Swoosh on February 05, 2025, 07:49:35 AMI have shared all the information that is confirmed or can be proven at this point. Anything else is speculative until confirmed by the park

We get it, you have insider info that nobody else here has and that you can't share specific details due to confidentiality. Speculation is fun. But if you're just going to sit and drip feed us information while saying
Quote from: Swoosh on January 22, 2025, 09:07:48 PMSome of these posts have me chuckling. Love seeing what y'all think is happening
It just makes it seem like it's for an ego-boost, which is why I said that.
Quote from: tmstephe on February 03, 2025, 02:03:53 PM
Quote from: Swoosh on January 22, 2025, 09:07:48 PMseeing what y'all think is happening

Hey, Swoosh - would you be willing to share what you've heard so we can discuss?  I'd love to hear what you think is happening and see what other members think. 

Weird how they deleted your other reply - it's a valid question to ask. Dangling a carrot in-front of those wanting to know just makes it seem like it's for an ego-boost.
Well, since the resort doesn't open until late 2026 I can't see them opening a multi-million dollar coaster to get rooms filled. I'd like to think a decent flatride, maybe something that gives a good view over the treeline. Possibly over by Powder Keg/Wildfire and connect the two paths since they want to start getting rid of dead end paths?
Branson Talk / Re: The Imagine Resort in Hollister
October 22, 2024, 09:22:36 AM
Quote from: shavethewhales on October 21, 2024, 11:31:25 AMI was just thinking about this project today. The website is still active, but nothing new since 2020. I sent them a message to see if the project is still alive. We'll see if I hear anything back. I check the county assessor maps and the land is still owned by an entity connected to Imagine Resorts.


They say its still happening, apparently. Whether they're lying through their teeth or not is the biggest thing.
Quote from: Duelist on October 19, 2024, 10:23:43 PMThey are still having issues getting enough employees and now they think they'll find enough to staff a resort?  I see them overestimating what they can accommodate for.  And with the sad state of Branson economy?  I can see them wanting a resort but I think they're being overly optimistic with this thing.

Getting employees for a resort is a lot easier than it is for a theme park. You get to work inside, get tips, and depending on the position you don't have to deal with angry Karen's that are overstimulated and overheated. I'm sure there will be even more work visas for international students as well now that they have their dorm open.
If this is going where pumpkin plaza currently is, why is Outlaw Run in the background? Lol.

New festival and festival add-ons looks great, I love the idea of making the plaza rotate with the different festivals.

If the voices are the only thing that is "bad" about the ride, then I think it'll be a great success for those young and old, even with heavy rose-tinted glasses.
The old tracks were still there as of December 2021, when I got the experience of walking through the ride in the pitch black. (Creepy as hell). The scenes were gone from what I could tell, but there was still the track.
Quote from: mg on August 14, 2023, 01:56:46 PM
I'm assuming that this will be the tunnel that the train is in. I hope that it moves forward in the tunnel toward the track to make it more dynamic.

From what I was told back in winter of 2021 is that it will indeed move forward as you go towards it. I don't think they would change something like that between then and now, but you never know
While I know its just concept art, I love how the train scene includes one of the FSDL locomotives, it just ties everything together. This truly feels like a love letter to the original ride while modernizing it.
Looks like somebody took some photos they weren't allowed to take, as they were promptly removed from the Facebook group page
General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: SDC Logo
June 15, 2023, 07:35:53 PM
I wish I had enough free time to complain about the direction of branches on a theme park logo
Not sure if anybody else has noticed, but at the bottom of Wildfire there seem to be new retaining walls and gravel put down. I'll have to get a picture next time, but I'd assume it's just to make maintenance easier since it'll be level ground at certain places