« on: April 03, 2024, 05:19:48 PM »
Overall they did good with the new FITH after riding it three times, I liked it. The layout and visuals nicely respected the original blending the old effects with the new. Even down to doing the old fire effects using the orange lighting across a rippling curtain instead of doing digital projections everywhere that I expected would be present. If there is some critiques to be made I honestly wished they could have kept the original voice lines, I hate to say it but some of the VO audio feels dialed in and lacks the emotional depth of the originals. I saw a few others commenting on this too on Facebook and YouTube as their first impressions.
And granted this is the inaugural season and I expect things will get revised later on, I hope they redo Red Flanders hanging in the window scene to be more like the original with his legs moving on the ladder. Right now it looks like his legs have rigormortis just sitting balanced atop the ladder. lol And this might just be nostalgic nitpicking but I was really missing the "Here's a barrel of laughs! HAHAHA!" The new one with the bugs just doesn't do it for me. At least the old one moved and tipped over to add to that fear factor thinking you are about to get dumped on but I am gonna assume it may get revised later on too.