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Bell's Developments

Started by shavethewhales, May 24, 2010, 10:35:45 PM

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Yeah it was a real opportunity this time, but talk about bad luck/timing with a global pandemic hitting and then the economic turmoil that is still going on. With interest rates rising, it's becoming incredibly hard to get major projects off the ground. I have a feeling this was a financial decision on the California group's side. They obviously just didn't see the ROI at this point.

Robby didn't help things. He is such a bad communicator, and doesn't appear to know much about running a modern business. Wish he had the wherewithal to hop on FB or something and let people know more about the process and their intentions. All people have heard the past 10 years is repeated promises to bring the park back with zero results. People keep calling it a "scam" even though there's literally nothing that has been taken from anyone. I guess people are conditioned to look for a bad guy.


I guess in theory somebody else could buy the land and take over the project with Bell, but I doubt that is likely to happen.



Until the land actually sells - there is always hope. Robby is still very positive (as he is always) that something can still be worked out. The letter from Santa Cruz to Michael Spurgeon (as I understand from Robby) was a very positive letter and did not talk about the Bell's family in a negative light. The letter did state they thought the area was still good for an amusement facility or development - they just don't want to be a part of it anymore. As far as I know, there hasn't been a sell of the property to a new owner - Santa Cruz still owns it, but they do have a local land developer/agent marketing the property.

Maybe Robby can still pull something off and be able to keep a piece of the property - just don't expect it to be the 100 acre development previously discussed.


Just to update on this, the proposed land has a buyer and as far as I know from the land agent, it does not include any property to be retained by the Bell's family. The buyer was not disclosed to me.
