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Themeparkreview is down

Started by shavethewhales, October 22, 2009, 04:24:53 PM

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Looks like themeparkreview has been getting flogged this week. Several serious hacking attempts have apparently exposed emails to spammers and compromised passwords. They've also had their twitter feed and youtube channel wiped out. Right now the site is completely off-line - again.

It leaves me wondering where the online coaster community would without TPR. There just aren't many quality coaster boards out there that I know of, and very few of them have cool trips and events. Seems like all the big boards have their time in the sun, then slowly degenerate. Makes me want to bring back Thrillator.

Anyone know what's going on?


I would say that the rebel alliance has finally taken down the evil empire.
I personally extremely dislike Blobb and the way he handles things so forgive me for thinking this is funny and not feeling bad for him.  The fact that they went after all of his empire and not just the ThemeParkRevenue site is what takes the cake.  Shows just how much this group of hackers wanted to nail the point home.

There are lots of quality boards out there that do not center around Blobb.