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OzCat to be demolished

Started by Swoosh, October 07, 2015, 10:21:00 PM

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Quote from: chittlins on October 11, 2015, 01:27:37 PM
Quote from: tiffanylynnt on October 10, 2015, 10:27:15 PM
It's less sad tearing it down than it is watching it rot.

It would have been cool to maybe have some shops around it and sell tickets for rides, almost like a go-kart track. I'd pay to ride it again...

Bingo! Funny, there's a go cart track wasting away, there was an arcade building wasting away. I've said it over and over again that It should have evolved into a  no admission fee entertainment district where things were sold on a per ride or ride pass basis.

It didn't work for Mutton Hollow or Branson USA, I just don't see pay per ride ever working long term.




This could and should be the location for a new resort/ white water #2.  I think there is enough space they could add a resort/night area.


If they do build a resort, it needs to be like the Gaylord Opryland. That place is amazing.


Well, I just spent way too much time looking at pics of the Gaylord on Google Images.

YES. They should definitely build a resort that is like the Gaylord. Oh my goodness. SO beautiful!


It's all indoors too. That's the crazy part. 9 acres of beauty.


Here's a link to Hometown Radio's coverage of the announcement. Includes some sound clips from Lisa Lau of SDC:



Did a drive by and demolition has started... it is a demo job, not dismantle, and no apparent attempt to save anything..  Although they have not touched the building yet...  Took several pictures, will get them posted and shared later,,,
'Also if you want to drive through the west parking lot and look around, that area is open on sunday morning now..  the church is using that lot for their attendance..


Quote from: Swoosh on October 30, 2015, 11:01:44 PM
If they do build a resort, it needs to be like the Gaylord Opryland. That place is amazing.

Needs indoor waterpark and then amazing. I don't think you'll see a Jack Daniels eaterly either.

Lot's of similarities of that and the attractions at the outlet mall with things many  have suggested for the  CC spot. Even talk of a few selected rides (themed ferris wheel wooden coaste)in an area that bridged the two better before the flood seemed to halt talk of it.

Gaylord also thrives on convention/meeting business for room bookings. How would that play with Branson's convention center downtown. Branson ain't Nashville. I also wonder how the new huge convention center downtown in Nashville has affected Gaylord bookings in the area.


When I was there last month there were 3 conventions going on at the same time in the middle of the week (at Gaylord) - I'd say they're doing just fine.


Did a drive by this weekend, didn't take any pictures, because I ddint see where any progress was made on the demo on the last 2 weeks,,, will check again when I am back in 2 weeks


just got back from another weekend in town,  No more demo progress on Ozcat..  started on it 4 weeks ago, now at a stalemate...??  I haven't heard anything about delay


Posted some photos on the FB page: https://www.facebook.com/SDCFans-325778850062/

They've definitely started, but they could have been done by now if they wanted to be. I'm guessing they may be waiting until the branson crowds die down for whatever reasons? They're also probably preparing for an implosion of some sort.


There was just two guys doing it, and they had to remove all the steel track first, so a little at a time... Like a slow, painful, death...  :'(
RIP Chippewa Lake Park