SDC Memories/ Park History / Old park souvenir program on Ebay
« on: January 05, 2024, 09:04:41 AM »
There is a nice, early souvenir program for sale on Ebay. It's too rich for my blood, but the map inside is something I have never seen before.
It looks like there used to be a parking lot about where Christmas Hollow is located now, and the current train station may have been a drop off near the parking lot? I didn't realize there used to be two train stations in the City. I have seen pictures of the town square as a parking lot, but have never seen reference to a parking lot in this location.
It looks like there used to be a parking lot about where Christmas Hollow is located now, and the current train station may have been a drop off near the parking lot? I didn't realize there used to be two train stations in the City. I have seen pictures of the town square as a parking lot, but have never seen reference to a parking lot in this location.