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Messages - jessejammes

Pages: [1]
Other Parks / Re: Jessie James Territory
« on: December 11, 2020, 04:56:05 AM »
...not sure if anyone is still here or not but - I remember riding on the motorcycle with my dad, exploring around where we lived in Woodland Heights, the little triangle subdivision just west of WW.  There used to be an entrance just a couple hundred feet north of WW with a big two story house at the entrance.  I remember it was abandoned but the old railroad ties where still very evident and n the ground.  We followed the path and came around to one of the old stage houses.  The boarding area roof was still there but had fallen straight down and I could just walk under it at about 5 years old in 1982.  The coolest part was coming up on the old steam engine and one of the train cars.  The whole engine was abandoned out in the woods and it was just about the coolest thing I can remember, finding a steam engine in the woods.  I could get an aerial view and draw a boarder around exactly where the property is.  I’ve looked at it and nothing is left at all except *maybe the strip of concrete that was the sidewalks of the boarding area.  It’s in the right place but I haven’t verified it’s not just a ditch or something now with my own eyes.  Maybe I’ll see if I can get over there next time I drive by and snap a pic.

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