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Branson Developement

Started by shavethewhales, September 03, 2007, 09:19:59 PM

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Ever notice how all those massive, pointless strip malls in Branson just ruin the natural beauty of that area? I mean, look at this photo ->http://bp2.blogger.com/_zOhheIvaFOA/Rty2rUKvWqI/AAAAAAAABDI/A8MpKq_JHmg/s1600-h/100_6063.JPG

They just blast huge chunks out of the hills, then make massive square plots that jut out haphazardly across what once were beautiful valleys. I'm not really a naturalist or a tree-hugger here, but it seems to me that they could at least try a bit harder not to completely destroy the environment with their buildings that will most likely be abandoned in 5 years. I mean, really, it's like everyone thinks they can just plop a giant, bloated strip mall somewhere in Branson and people will just flock to it because of the fact that it's Branson. They could at least diversify a little, most strip malls have basically the same stores. 


It's no doubt that Branson is growing. I like it and then again I don't. It means that SDC is becoming more popular but it also means a trip to Branson will cost all that much more money. Win-lose situation really.
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City..."


I agree, if you drive around Branson you will find that most of the strip-malls are only half full at the most. I would and I know the people of Branson would like to see more indoor shopping opportunities.

I would also appreciate if builders would not just simply tear everything down, but to build around a tree or two.


^Exactly, there's a lot to be said for the SDC style of building, where they build into the existing environment rather than leveling everything and building from there.

I lived for awhile in England, and boy, do they know how to build a city. They don't just tear stuff down when it gets old - they refurb it and move on. Most of the buildings are over 100 years old in any given town. The best part though is they way that every town has a high street packed with functional shops. No one is forced to spend all day in a warehouse shop like Walmart, rather, everyone gets the pleasure of walking down a centuries-old downtown going from independent shop to shop. And with the bus system, no one has to worry about owning a car so much.

Here in America, we drive our fat asses from warehouse to warehouse buying in bulk from large, greedy corporations. It makes me want to move back.


Wow. You used to live in England?? Were you born there?
"May there always be a Silver Dollar City..."


No, I just lived there for a couple of years when my father got a temporary job assignment there. It was quite a few years ago now, but still, I remember the social system fondly.


This is talking about the area shown in the pictures posted.

"Tantone Plaza, the development on Forsythe Rd - soon to by Forsythe Blvd. The company issued a verbal following a written apology to the city of Branson at the planning and zoning meeting earlier tonight.
As we talked about earlier, they blew up trees that were outside of the approved plan. The company said the act wasn't malicious and agreed to pay any fines imposed by the city."
                                                                 -Branson Missouri Blogspot

This seems to be happening quite often. I hope the development is successful and not just a bunch of empty strip malls. If this is the case they should make the company return the land to its former state.


^Yeah but how would that be possible? A bankrupt business can't exactly pay for all that tremendous earthwork to be undone. I just wish they would take better care and planning right from the start.