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Site Updates

Started by shavethewhales, July 30, 2011, 10:28:02 PM

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I like the little tweakes you made to the site. The FB stamp is a nice change from the normal thumbs up thing. The stacks of paper instead of purple/blue faces is nice too. Great work!
The smell of asphalt and butane says home!

Ozarks Gal

I hadn't even noticed the Facebook stamp until Trams pointed it out, but I really like it. Nice touch!
Loving the stacks of paper! Keep up the good work. We really do appreciate all you do for the site.  ;D
"Red Flanders, you come back in here and put on your pants!" "Well Sadie, I ain't got no pants no more. The dang Baldknobbers stole 'em!"

Ozark Outlaw

Also noticed several tweaks on the SDCFans Facebook page, and post. Very cool theme additions over there too!  :)


Thanks guys. More little updates to come.

I'll probably try to figure out a new logo soon. The one I put on the facebook page was just something I threw together in a few minutes. We've never really had a real logo yet, but if I can actually make something that looks halfway decent for a change we can stick with it for awhile and put it on t-shirts or something.


You've Got A Great Past Just Ahead Of You!


"They don't hit nothin' though... They're New York Yankees." - Alfie Bolin


All good for a good cause!


I've been delaying some of those changes I talked about earlier due to my recent trip and the photo update that I posted. We've been getting a ton of traffic because of those photos, so I'm letting that die down a bit before changing the home page and everything since that might break all the site links for awhile.

There might be some down time and a lot of random little bugs this week as I make the changes.


Today I finally made the change to redirect all traffic to the forums. You can still access pages on the main site if you have the direct URL. Eventually I will make a new directory page of sorts that will have links to all the content from the main site that I wish to keep. Most of it will be purged except for the history pages, some of the "wiki", my photos, and archived news.

From here on the focus of the site will be on the forums, which is really already where it has been for the last year or two. I will have more changes to this effect throughout the week. I'll try to get a countdown clock at the top of the page tonight or tomorrow so we can count down the days to the big ride announcement.

Someday I might get back to adding the features that I attempted to build on the main site for years, but I will probably use third party libraries and plugins instead of trying to code myself. I'm no longer a web developer, and I wasn't a very good one when I was anyway. I'm already looking into a third party photo sharing plugin to use so people can upload photos to the site and share them on the forums easier.


Hey shaves! If you are a new member or existing and want to access the main site, I'm having problems getting to it when I click the tab or just trying to type in sdcfans.com. I just want to be sure the logo/link to HomeStay will still be shown as the same as previous. If not, then we have to re-think or I may have to look into getting logo/link onto the forums pages? I know at one time for more $ we could purchase that space but looks like now those are "taken" for good???? Feel free to PM me on this or call if you get a chance. Thanks! We want to continue to sponsor and of course get our hotel name out there too!  ;D Love the quickness to get straight to forums quickly idea as I'm on here all the time and that's great!


^PM sent, I will get a new ad space for you guys on the top of the forums as soon as the ad company refunds and closes out the old ad space. The old home page is going away completely since it hasn't been updated in forever and I don't have the time to keep it filled with content like it should be.

There will also be a 'What's New' section on top of the forums that will have links to the latest happenings related to SDC on the forums or elsewhere, and probably some type of tie-in for our Facebook page.

If anyone is having any troubles with the new arrangement, let me know. I don't know if any anti-virus programs will freak out or not since I'm using a redirect.


Got a first pass of the 'What's New' section up. Ideally it should probably only show up on the index of the forums, but right now it's showing up on a few other pages as well. I'll keep going through it tomorrow to make sure it only shows up where I want it to.

Any problems with it or thoughts about it? I'm thinking I'll probably work a little more on it later to make it look a little more thematic.


I always enjoyed the quickness of the " Last 5 posts" Is there any way those could be incorporated back into the new page when you complete it?
Appreciate all your hard work!


I also like the way the "new" site is shaping up...

I have to agree with MH, I would to be able monitor the last 5 postings when we pull up the home page.  Made it much easier to check on new posts..

OR even IF you colud put a "counter" of some kind on the home page telling us how many new posts since our last visit.. Then we could go through the steps to access them.. ??? ???

I dont know what that would take to modify site accordingly..

We all appreciate your work and efforts and I ma sure whatever you come up with will be more  than acceptable..



Those sound like good ideas. I can definitely add the last 5 posts box back in, but I'm not sure about the unread posts counter. I'll see what I can do.