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Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC’s 2024 Project(s) and Park Developments
« Last post by mg on May 20, 2024, 09:29:54 AM »
Yep. Rode it yesterday. The beginning into the corkscrew isn't too bad, but the area in red is basically a clearcut with just a few remaining trees.The most staggering is the lift hill through the return to the station.
I'd love to see them drop the modern music and go back to music that fits with the theme.
SDC Memories/ Park History / Re: 1984 - 2024
« Last post by shavethewhales on May 20, 2024, 08:18:46 AM »

I am just now seeing this post (sorry, I don't peruse the forums as often as I used to). Glad to hear you finally made it back!

I will definitely keep a lookout for a 1984 park map.
Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC’s 2024 Project(s) and Park Developments
« Last post by Duelist on May 20, 2024, 08:16:55 AM »
^ Sad.  We went this past weekend and we wouldn't ride it at all even though it used to be one of my favorites.  Sounds like a rebuild is definitely needed.  I hope the planned multi-year revitalization is followed through.
Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC’s 2024 Project(s) and Park Developments
« Last post by shavethewhales on May 20, 2024, 07:54:46 AM »
They absolutely OBLITERATED the trees around Thunderation. Looks like a bomb went off around the ride. Just clear cut everything within ~40' of the track. It definitely lost a lot of character... J&P camp is completely gone, though I think it was cleared away a while ago.

The ride has gotten even rougher than I remember. No seat is really safe anymore. I could only stand one ride.
I forgot a second thing we say every Christmas.

I wish they would add to their Christmas parade.  That has become such a HUGE spectacle that people start lining up an hour, or more, in advance of the parade and then it is over in about 5-6 minutes.  I'd love to see them add to it.
I would love for them to start using themed carts when moving back of house supplies throughout the park. Even if they used the motorized hand carts like Disney (and I think Dollywood has them now too) and wrap them in a texture that matches the parks aesthetic.
My wife and I were discussing this last night and I'd be curious to see what others think.

If there was one thing that you would like to see changed/added/removed from SDC that would be a low-cost, non-ride related change, what would it be?

We were talking about the long lines for cinnamon bread and would love to see them add the option of buying it up front at Eva and Delilah's bakery, so you could pick up a loaf on your way out.   They could also bring some to back to Sullivan's Mill.  I wouldn't add the ability to bake the bread at these locations, but as it came out of the oven at Clara Belle's, they could bring a portion of it in insulated containers to these other locations.  A minor change, but I would think it would be well received.
Other Parks / Re: New Park - American Heartland in NE Oklahoma
« Last post by KBCraig on May 15, 2024, 11:29:12 PM »
We learned early in life that "willing suspension of disbelief" was the key to reading fictional stories.

Today we see many examples of people who can't wait to throw their disbelief over a cliff any time something tickles their ears in a pleasing way.
Other Parks / Re: New Park - American Heartland in NE Oklahoma
« Last post by shavethewhales on May 14, 2024, 08:50:07 PM »
It was a design consultant, FORREC, who has famously designed a number of high profile attractions.

For a design consultant to file this kind of action over this much unpaid work, there must have been some serious issues behind the scenes. I work as a civil consultant myself, so I know that amount represents a lot of people working for a long time. FORREC probably designed most of the park and came up with all the renderings we've seen so far. When Mansion comes out talking about not paying until they have "reviewed", that sounds like a huge ton of crap.

I think this is the official start of the wheels coming off. Of course, the whole shenanigans with them putting up orange fencing and then leaving the site for six months and counting was an obvious tell. Oh yeah, they need to redesign the RV park that they already posted videos of them starting work on.  ::)
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