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Messages - psychosaw13

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Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC's 2020 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: December 10, 2018, 10:58:16 PM »
from Sunday 12/9/18

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: July 16, 2017, 09:16:46 PM »
nah never mind, after reviewing old pics I think the other side is closed up. the speculation is so fun though. i just cant imagine that heavy of steel being used for a walkway.

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: July 16, 2017, 09:07:25 PM »
Could it be possible that heavy steel would be for some sort of launch?  like riders would enter the cars in that middle bay & the track would move left to the next bay & back up for a launch situation. Then be shot through the station into a dive out of the station.

I actually got the survey too & was excited to use my voice.
I just reiterated that they always should keep in mind three words
besides the word "Adventure" they seemed intent on using, and that was "Rustic,Family & Faith" which had always set SDC apart from other parks. I also kept reminding them every chance I got to use the words "1880's & Past" as well .

Maybe the new coaster can take me back in time to SDC 1979.

SDC Memories/ Park History / Re: Silver Dollar City Merchandise
« on: February 01, 2017, 10:00:00 PM »
I just recently purchased "The Sounds of SDC" on vinyl. I got it in near mint condition on ebay.
I was wondering  if anyone could tell me what year the record was made & sold?
There is no year listed on the cover or record itself.

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: December 05, 2016, 07:56:29 PM »
I was there over the weekend 12/3,4,5.
saw the same as Shave. it was a light rain all Sat into the night, not much going on.
you can see quite a lot from TNT & the back porch of the culinary school.
its really cleared out behind EH. I dont know about these sorts of things, its just hard to believe they can squeeze a coaster in that small of an area.

So how do you get signed up for these? I regularly get the customer experience email surveys but not the attraction ones. When I did the signup I thought I would get both? No?

I don't usually get the ride concept surveys either but that may be due to the fact when they ask the question "How would this attraction affect whether you visit SDC next year?" i always answer it doesn't  affect at all since we buy season passes every year and go whether they add anything new or not.  I'm sure they are sending the surveys to those who usually don't come to SDC every year (or at least multiple times during the year).

But I've seen quite a few in this thread & in other threads who did receive the survey, I'm an every other year season pass guy & have been for many years. I'd really love to take the survey!
Nobody has answered on how to get on the list or get involved, I'd like my voice to be heard to the POB

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:57:45 PM »
Here is one I forgot to add in my original post. This is right next to the track of TNT

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:50:14 PM »
You guys are welcome, I just to contribute in any way I can. I'll probably make a return trip in the middle of August & then again in November.

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: July 06, 2016, 10:41:41 PM »
Yeah the only thing I could visually see was that the contractor trucks & a small green back hoe & the large yellow back hoe had showed back up at the entrance of the new service road on Indian point after the 4th I left around 6pm on the 5th.
I did notice the Job site trailer from TNT lift hill & the construction of the new wall on one of the turns of TNT but most of us eagle eyes have already seen that. I did walk down near the WOW exit to look off into the woods but the was nothing worth noting.
Everything if anything is taking place over by TNT right now.

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: July 06, 2016, 12:41:07 AM »
Here is a photo update from the 4th of July 2016
Nothing new was happening but at least I have some different angles to compare to what we've seen so far

What can be see from TNT

What can be seen from Hi Striker (looks like a clearing for a service road?) No markers to be seen on this side.

Over the top of the fence

Not much else was happening because of the holiday. As I was leaving today more back hoes & contractor trucks could be seen near (The new service road?) I wasn't able to stop & get any pics of that.

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC's 2018 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: June 29, 2016, 05:32:50 PM »
I'll be there Sunday thru Tuesday & I'll be taking all the pics I can from every angle I can.

On a more serious note, one thing I would love about a revamped entrance is an SDC history museum of some sort. Something to show the park's history and how far it has come. I think that would be really cool and a great touch. Not many parks have this and it would just further set SDC apart showing that they do remember and embrace their past.

Yes a living interactive museum/entrance. With a small Rube Dugan theater showing the under water film.
*The stuff dreams are made of*

Branson Talk / Re: We Always Lie To Strangers
« on: May 24, 2016, 10:52:07 PM »
sorry guys I didn't know it was already discussed

Branson Talk / We Always Lie To Strangers
« on: May 22, 2016, 11:58:26 PM »
Just watched this documentary on netflix. It definitely gave me a new perspective on the behind the scenes workings of Branson theaters.
what are everybody elses thoughts on this Doc.

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