Well since I am the OP, I will assume that I am the “They will not listen”. I do not feel that this is an accurate description of my responses. When corrected about the dates and details of the fire I acknowledged and thanked the poster. When given information that short staffing and quick training may have been the cause or partial cause of the incidents I agreed and added my perspective. I do not agree that these were freak accidents. I believe that each could have been prevented. I believe that the root cause of the incidents is a failure of the management/ leadership to provide adequate training, proper procedures, and continuous supervision if needed.
I will add my perspective on each incidence since this seems to be a cause of concern. In many cases, it does not differ too much from what has already been discussed. The source of the fire was reported to be grease. Commercial restaurants have procedures in place to use grease in a safe manner. If these procedures are followed, I do not understand how a grease fire could have immediately become so out of control as to destroy three structures. Either the procedures were not in place, or they were not followed.
The train: it has been reported that the train was being operated in a safe manner, and it has been reported that maintenance personnel were not responsible and performed their jobs correctly. There has been no report of any “act of god”, so I believe that leaves us only with a lack of correct inspection procedures.
TNT: The employee was struck by the roller coaster and died of head trauma. It has been put forth that this was entirely the cause of the employee. I disagree. The employee did obviously choose to be in the situation that cause the accident, but I do not believe the employee wanted to die. There should have been training to tell the employee that this action could cause death, there could have been remote sensing for train speed, and there could have been physical barriers to entry. SDC agreed to make changes to prevent these occurrences. This death could have been prevented with proper training, physical barriers, and procedures.
I have brought up training and procedures several times. These only work if enforced by management and leadership.
If this is interpreted as “SDC is going downhill” that is because these incidences caused a loss of three structures, the loss of the train for the rest of a season, with no specific date for return, and most importantly a loss of life. Although I did not use the downhill language, I can see why someone would.
As for the “and they don’t care”, well again not my language. I thought that considering the seriousness of each of the incidences and their relative closeness in time, there may have been some talk of management or leadership shake-up in operations. I also would have expected to hear more about improvements or changes in operations.
I have tried to be respectful in my responses and posts. My stance is that these incidences were preventable and this stance will not change until additional information is made available. If this forum is not the proper place for discussions on serious incidents that occur at SDC, or if the moderator does not want this level of discussion I will refrain from commenting.