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Going back to SDC

Started by Duelist, May 01, 2020, 10:00:23 PM

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Quote from: KBCraig on August 20, 2020, 08:28:08 PM
Quote from: Jemmicat on August 18, 2020, 12:43:37 PM
I am going for the first time this year (and last time ever) this Friday as my move to the UK is FINALLY happening in the next few weeks and won't have any more time.

If you think the Covid restrictions are harsh for life in the U.S., you're definitely not going to have any fun in the UK!

I'd go to Phantasialand for their Winter thingy at first chance.

Doubt Olympia Looping will make it to Hyde Park for Winterfest with the Wuflu and all..


KBCraig... I don't think the Covid restrictions in the US are harsh... annoying, yes. Harsh no. And the UK is considerably more strict than Missouri. Which I am fine with... I don't want people I know dying and I've had several of my friends get sick now... None required hospitalization, but all are suffering after effects.

The thing I am hating is the 14 day quarantine once I get there... Because of quarantine there and here (If I went over and came back), I am going to have to rent a house based off an online listing... Because I can't spend 28 days in quarantine to go over and look for myself. Hopefully I choose wisely


^ Good luck.  Hope everything works out ok over there.  Remember you can still post here anytime!
I'm Your Huckleberry


Thanks, Duellist.

I was proud of how the park did with cleaning and the like. Although it was a VERY slow day and I can imagine all the cleaning on rides would kill a busy day for ride waits. As it was, my going by myself was a slowdown. I got a whole car in FITH for just me. Same with TNT. I didn't do MRF partially because I knew would be a whole boat for me and didn't want to do that to people...

New Smokehouse was ok... Wasn't great. Saloon show translated much better outdoors than I would have imagined. It was a nice trip for a last one...