Site Stuff > Announcements

SDCFans Turning 9

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SDCFans will be 9 years old next Thursday. I'm grateful for the years of discussions, friendships, and random craziness this board has provided all of us. I had no idea the site would last this long when I first started playing around with it in 2007, but I'll keep it going as long as people are interested and I am able.

I apologize for dropping off from time to time on the updates and what not. There's always something going on in my life that causes me to push the site to the bottom of the priorities pile.  I am planning another round of changes to the front page to make it more dynamic and continuously updated even when I'm not around. Basically I'm planning to pull in various news and social media feeds instead of trying to write our own stories every week. There will still be some occasional throwback thursday and construction update posts as well.

As always, let me know if anyone has any suggestions to make the site more useful, or if anyone wants to take a more direct role in creating content/managing things.

Ugh, posting this reminded me of all the forum bugs that still need to be worked out. It took ages to get this to post and then it posted 3 times  ::)

The problem is that there aren't any simple fixes for it. It comes down to problems with upgrading while attempting to keep all our old data in place. We might simply have to archive this board and start a completely new installation to get something that works reliably.

Thanks Shave,  Happy Birthday to your "child",  Many years to come... We all appreciate the work you do for us..

Indeed, I have made dozens of friends, through this site, 3 of which are an important part of my life. Thanks for all that you've done!
Now, a question, or suggestion. What are your thoughts on having a sort of "SDCList", where fans can post items, or extras, that they would like to sell or trade, such as pins, postcards, cups, etc.. ONLY SDC items. 

^That's a good idea. We do already have the Ozark Marketplace board, but something distinct might encourage more use. Not sure I have a good way to implement it at the moment, but I'll keep an eye out.


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