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Messages - KevinLong

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Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC’s 2024 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: August 22, 2023, 01:30:43 PM »
Agree with losing the guns on FM.  Reinstall the cave in.  Make sure everything works, and then leave it the heck alone.

The "CAVE IN" was before my time. Can you describe it and where in the ride it happened?

it was actually, if I am remembering correctly, where the convicts are climbing the rope to escape.

Just above your head in that area there was a chicken wire ceiling. a recording would yell ,, watch out rock fall or rock slide I am not sure and there would be a loud rumbling then some strobes would go off and a lot of foam boulder shaped rocks would drop onto the chicken wire. it was pretty cool and effective.shortly after there was the ore washing station and that had a few jets of water the would turn off as you approached leaving you dry.

anyone else whom remembers PLEASE correct me if I missed anything or am mistaken.

my two cents

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC’s 2024 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: August 22, 2023, 09:13:52 AM »
Agree with losing the guns on FM.  Reinstall the cave in.  Make sure everything works, and then leave it the heck alone.

This ^^^^   and replace the exterior water effects as well

my two cents....


Other Parks / Re: New Park - American Heartland in NE Oklahoma
« on: July 24, 2023, 01:28:18 PM »
2B is a LOT of money for a attraction that is not a usual "destination" place. The question is will it be enough of a standalone draw to cover its expenses and infrastructure costs. Aside from the nearby lake and Tulsa an hour away, will it be a place people will want to return to time and again?. does it survive 3-5 years aftr opening.

I am a freak and I drive 3 hours one way several times a year to SDC.  Most people aren't that loyal.  This will not be a park you visit one day when going to the area. Maybe if you visit Tulsa.

The Amusement park industry is filled with "gonna be" projects that never go very far. Everything fits on paper and your imagination.. reality costs 10-20% more at least and 10-15% longer to do. I wish them luck, they will need it...

my two cents


General Silver Dollar City Talk / SDC now anti branson....????
« on: July 19, 2023, 12:05:07 PM »
I just visited the park Mon and Tuesday and I gotta say it pretty obvious that the park is really leaning into the "Ozarks Mountain" angle and leaving "Branson" in the dust. All new merchandise has this brand now as well as a ton of signage. Does anyone know the actual reason for this change? Distancing from the " OLD folks"- Branson image?
Quarrels with the Branson Chamber of Commerce? At one point it was an easy way to let people know where you were regionally, do they think they have been around long enough now to make the break from Branson?

With so much of the old style of the park being replaced with updated, simulated 1860's theming and flat out destruction of the ambience of the original. I am just curious if this is a move to just recreate the entire park using updated amusement park standards and practices -- IE wider paths, more vending and merchandising sales, larger and more intrusive food court seating areas.

my two cents...


Random Talk / Re: Do some dang research....
« on: June 21, 2023, 09:25:02 AM »
We all need to remember that while everyone here is /should be a fan of SDC- not every one has the same computer skill level. Not everyone knows how to research well or find things on a giant forum like this. or even how to google and find what they are looking for.

A good example is I have no Idea if this site or forum has a FAQ section. I have never really looked for it. If it doesn't maybe we should help out and make one or maybe PIN one to the top if there is such a page.

Sometimes annoying things are not intentional, we should try to help those that need it, not yell at them.

my two cents..


General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: SDC Logo
« on: June 15, 2023, 04:13:02 PM »
well it may look good on twitter and socials, but any person who has done any logging will tell you limbs very rarely grow in the opposite direction, that is why it looks funky.

 Even more so now that you can't unsee it..  This was done by an artist to create "symmetry" in the design. upon closer look now it looks not like a log but a brown banner with tabs or something..... 

looking closer
my two cents.

General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: SDC Logo
« on: June 14, 2023, 09:24:00 PM »
^^^^^   good point........


General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: SDC Logo
« on: June 14, 2023, 10:29:12 AM »
not sure anyone analyzes the logo that closely. except maybe the maker to justify the cost.....

"""the branch directions are meant to signify looking ahead to our future while looking back at our past simultaneously. There’s no top or bottom on the log."""

my two cents


just a heads up you may already know --  UPDATE your phone app if you use it for entry. Mine was not updated and I spent 30 min in guest relations trying to figure out why my pass was not accepted on the app.  kept saying not valid
 did the update and no problem....

just a heads up


I had this Idea the other day, thought I would present it here for discussion.

Would you rather see a 10 million dollar renovation/re-imagining of the Flooded mine to its opening day glory way back when?.
See a 10 million dollar new version of Rube Dugan's diving bell where the flooded mine is?

Both would have state of the art effects and theming - you can't say both and only one can remain.
let the battle begin.

my two cents


General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: Train Crash?
« on: May 26, 2023, 04:37:42 PM »
AGE is a cruel mistress --- especially on rides that have been operating for 50 years or more.

This is probably why you are seeing the replacement of fire in the hole. After a while all the maintenance in the world will not allow you continue using something - it just wears out or becomes unusable. Breaks and faults can occur where they never have before and with things that should never be a problem.

Maybe it's ground settling, erosion, decayed or loose rails. A lack of track ballast in some places. maybe its just time for a full re track and rebuilding of the railroad bed. I have absolutely no idea when that was last done, but maybe its time to do it. 50+ years of hot summers and freezing winters takes it's toll on everything even railroad tracks. A non moving part that should never really be the problem at these speeds and weights.

my two cents..

General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: Train Crash?
« on: May 20, 2023, 11:11:59 PM »
its easy to speculate and create our own scenarios for what happened and why any info was delayed or "held Back".

it could be possible that it took a while to get all relevant data collected and put into a format that could be submitted. The fact is we don't know. Not everything is a conspiracy to hide things or put one over.

The five items they are requesting info on are pretty extensive, it is possible it could take a few month for SDC's investigators to create a report for the department of public safety. None of us were at that meeting and heard the objections as to why the info was not provided.

Evidently, they got what they wanted from SDC the train is now running again.

my two cents.

I used to stay all the time at White Wing for many obvious reasons, price, location, free shuttle. After COVID they went VACASA rental and the quality dropped like a stone and the price sky rocketed, so I moved on. its a shame it was a good place. anyway I got this in my e mail ( i suppose I got on some list from my vacasa rental.)

anyway it seems they are trying to unload some of the bigger rooms into sales as CONDO"S??.
The price seems very high for the quality of the building and the rooms IE everything is still late 90's.

Not sure how you can call a hotel room a condo.

Just though any of you who used to stay there might find this interesting.

my two cents.

General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: 2023 Crowds / Trip Reports
« on: May 16, 2023, 07:54:00 PM »
Well I did notice the music was much more counrty/bluegrass than "hardcore" bluegrass.


General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: 2023 Crowds / Trip Reports
« on: May 16, 2023, 02:26:08 PM »
Best I could tell the red gold had the headliner music guest - no food.


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