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Messages - Swoosh

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 426
Eventually that whole area will be rebuilt.  They’re just sort of piecemeal building right now.  The admin/ticketing building will be completely raised.  I’ve heard OMP will eventually be replaced as well.  The park does way too much traffic to still be relying on such antedated facilities

Got some photos today.

For reference, this is what it looked like before. Appears as if trees were cleared, but doesn't look like any actual dirt work has happened yet.

Look again.  (But not in your photo) Half of the middle mountain hill is gone where I’m talking about

Lots of clearing.  Lots of trees gone.  That view will be worth it

Major dirt being moved (if you know where to look) 👀

The future is bright

White Water Discussion / Re: Waikiki Wave
« on: June 08, 2024, 01:02:25 AM »
That pool has been like that since before 2012 (I’m looking at old photos).

Other Parks / Re: The Oasis at Lake of the Ozarks
« on: June 08, 2024, 12:57:34 AM »
They are both Vekoma

Blue is a Junior Boomerang and will be the same model as the one that was built at Kings Island
Yellow is a Junior Inverted and will be the same model as the one at Dollywood (Dragonflier)

There is construction near the entrance. It is where the rental tents have been since 2020. I’m guessing it is a new area for rentals.

This is just the next step in the parking lot / entry portal revamp. 
Look at what they did at Dollywood and you’ll get an idea of where they are headed

When I was at the media event for FITH 2.0 the SDC big wigs said that Thunderation is undergoing a multi year maintenance overhaul so it can be enjoyed for years to come. SDC recognizes the uniqueness and nostalgic value of that coaster considering it was their first big thrill ride/coaster. As for the old FITH I directly asked about it and all they would say is what's not going there is a new Train Station.

Read between the lines.  They told you more than you even realize. 

Screamscape is reporting that they heard that a storm caused trees to fall on the track and may have caused some structural damage to Thunderation.

Cannot confirm if there was any structural damage, but can confirm that they are “pruning” trees around the track

Well, I knew someone would leak it out.  Here's the first published video of the new Fire In The Hole ride, that I've seen.

What makes me mad is the park literally said “or just wait until we post an official one” and the idiots still go and do it to get “clout” (in their minds).  This is the very reason why the coaster community is seen as toxic

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC’s 2024 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: February 22, 2024, 09:52:13 PM »
I would think they'd open FITH the same day the festival starts.  If not they will have to face the "Facebook wrath" of highly disappointed visitors.  Unless they make it clear that the ride won't, or at least probably won't, be open the first week of the Spring Break festival.

They have never once said it’ll be open on Opening Day, only that it will be open Spring 2024

I’d look for a March 30th Opening if I was a betting man

General Silver Dollar City Talk / Re: 2023 Crowds / Trip Reports
« on: November 28, 2023, 06:04:47 PM »
Will be interesting to see the impact of the Vinita park in the long term though... but I guess they will cross that bridge when they come to it seeing as the Vinita park still has a lot to prove.

There’s zero concern about the “Vinita park” within the ranks.  There’s little to zero chance that park ever gets built and especially not at the budget that they’re quoting. 

Construction/Rumors / Re: SDC’s 2024 Project(s) and Park Developments
« on: August 15, 2023, 08:50:35 PM »
“Fire District” is just the next step in the evolution of the park.  You will start to notice that each new area will be branded as a neighborhood.  This started with Midtown.  Then you have River Town.  I’m sure where the new Fried Fancies and Heartland Home Furnishings will get a name once that area is complete. 

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